I am committed to raising the number of low-income students who graduate from college. I believe that strong writing is a key to their success.
I developed and teach a 16-week curriculum for the educational non-profit Minds Matter Los Angeles, which guides promising under-served students through a three-year program that culminates in a 100% college acceptance rate. I also developed and ran Summer Writing Workshops for another non-profit college access program, Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA) and mentored HOLA students through the application process. Each fall, I work on college essays with the national literacy program, 826, which is committed to improving students’ writing skills at eight centers throughout the U.S.
At libraries and high schools free of charge, I offer presentations such as “How to Actually Write Your College Essay,” with step-by-step guidance for students whose schools do not have college counselors on staff.
If you represent an educational non-profit organization which would like to take advantage of my services, please contact me at louise@louisetutelian.com.